mode13 gallery
The mode13 gallery is a collection of applets made using mode13 . These applets may be freely
distributed, but the source code may not be modified without the permission of the authors.
mode13 will attempt to use DirectDraw if possible. It does this through Microsoft's Managed DirectX libraries.
If you do not have these installed, mode13 will fall back to GDI+, which is much slower than DirectDraw. If you
would like to use DirectDraw, install the following file:
mdxredist.msi (3.57 mb)
Managed DirectX requires DirectX 9.0 to be installed. If you have an older version of DirectX, you can update at
Windows Update.
The basic set of test cases for mode13 , from the initial test of PSET through to ports of Microsoft's
mode13.exe (200 kb)
tests.cs (28 kb)
gorilla.cs (37 kb)
nibbles.cs (29 kb)
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The port of GORILLA.BAS compiled against the .NET Runtime v1.0. This seems to fix an apparent JIT bug some people have
encountered with the version included in the base tests.
gorilla.exe (88 kb)
gorilla.cs (37 kb)
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A graphical demo by a fellow who goes by the nickname Wafn.
jesus.exe (72 kb)
wavefield.cs (8 kb)
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Ports of the basic set of Java demos for TinyPTC.
tinyptc13.exe (164 kb)
(source code not available at this time)
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A moon lander type game by Andy Visniewski.
ROCKET.BAS.exe (88 kb)
(source code not available at this time)
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A port of Ryan Broomfield's cult classic Shippy Gold.
shipex.exe (144 kb)
(source code not available at this time)
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A port of Ryan Broomfield's cult classic Shippy.
shippyclassic.exe (196 kb)
(source code not available at this time)
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A bouncy graphical demo by evilbadz.
pps.exe (76 kb)
pps.cs (8 kb)
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